The conventional and unconventional sides of my life.

Posts tagged ‘dress up’

Dress Up – September and October

As I mentioned in my previous post, September and October have been crazy months for me. I’ve been catching up on projects in my studio. Below are my submissions for the Dress Up Link Up that Margaret is hosting this year over at Alice and Camilla.


Around here school starts in August but I grew up in Upstate New York where school starts the Tuesday or Wednesday after Labor Day. Because of that, I still associate school with September.

I hope you will check out the other wonderful October Dress Up submissions as well!

Dress Up – August

It looks like I am a bit late to the party. Alice and Camilla have been hosting a “Dress Up” party each month during 2010 where participants post their artsy dress creation for that month. I only just found out about it because I am slowly dipping my toe into this blog world and recently expanded my blog reading horizons beyond mainly DIY Decorating blogs and I’ve been exploring the world of Altered Art & Artists blogs.

I’ve been interested in altered art for many years but for the past several years, I rarely broke out my art supplies and created.  Earlier this year, I decided to do a series of collages/paintings – one for each chakra/energy center of the body. I have done two more of the chakra mandala paintings that I have not had a chance to post about yet. I loved being able to experiment with different techniques for each of the paintings. Doing these paintings regularly has really inspired me. In fact, this past month, I finally began the process of converting our home office into my art studio. Sorry, I got a bit long winded. My point is, I’ve been interested in altered art for a LONG time and I am just now getting into it. I look forward to participating in various altered art themes along with other blogging altered artists. Here is my submission for August:

Aug Dress




When I think of August I think of hot & steamy days and nights. I also think of the colors red and orange. I used these colors along with some origami paper to make this dress. I cut a toothpick in half and painted both ends to look like hair sticks. See some other submissions for August at Alice and Camilla.