The conventional and unconventional sides of my life.

Still Here

Wow! I found my blogging voice two weeks ago and then I went silent. Sorry about that! The past few weeks have a bit out of the ordinary for me. My dad was in town for 8 out of 11 days (there was a 3 day break between visits) and I had jury duty last week. I never had jury duty before last week and just the potential of having to sit on a jury brought up judgment issues I didn’t even know I had. Let’s just say it’s been stress central around here!

I was looking forward to this week being the first “normal” week for me all month (no family in town, no jury duty, normal work schedule etc). On Sunday, I realized I was getting sick. Now I have a full-blown cold. I actually haven’t had a full-blown cold in 3-4 years. I discovered that if I take Airborne at the first sign of getting sick (when my throat feels “funny” before it actually starts to hurt), I don’t get any sicker and I feel “back to normal” in about 24 hours. This cold snuck up on me and I didn’t take Airborne as soon as I normally do. Last night my nose (whole head actually) kept clogging up and I was really having trouble breathing. I was dreading going to bed thinking I’d have to prop my head up to try to breathe and I’d probably wake up periodically since I was so stuffy. I was so glad to see we actually had Nyquil on hand and I took some before bed and slept wonderfully. I did have to warn Micah before we fell asleep that I tend to snore when I am sick. Micah and I have been together for 2 1/2 years and this is the first time he’s really seen me sick. When the alarm went off this morning, I asked him how I slept and if I snored. He told me I only woke him up twice. Sorry! At least I did warn him 🙂

So, that’s what has been going on here. I’ve still been able to do some work in my studio. I’ve been taking a great Art Journal workshop from Marit in the Netherlands, I’ve made a few things for some wonderful friends of mine to celebrate some milestones in their lives, and I am working to launch my own Etsy shop in mid-October!

Comments on: "Still Here" (1)

  1. Oh gosh, I sure hope you’ll be feeling better soon!!! And sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery…XO

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